Vital-nervease is specially designed to support the function of the microvasculature and the health of peripheral nerves. Bioactive B vitamins, provided in clinically proven levels, influence homocysteine metabolism and oxidative stress to positively impact the production of nitric oxide (NO) and support healthy endothelial function. All of these factors play vital roles in supporting the flow of blood and oxygen to peripheral nerves. The underlying pathology of peripheral neuropathy involves a complex interaction between vascular (e.g., nitric oxide) and metabolic factors (e.g., hyperglycemia, hyperhomocysteinemia) that converges on nerves and the endothelium of the peripheral microvasculature. In addition, increased oxidative stress is a unifying factor seen in the etiologic pathways.
Patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy can present with loss of protective sensation, neuropathic pain, and, in some cases, lower extremity ulcerations. Vital-nervease combats oxidative stress, and it supports blood flow by promoting healthy endothelial function and facilitating the production of nitric oxide (NO)—a potent vasodilator naturally synthesized in the body. NO is required in blood vessels to relax smooth muscle cells. Relaxation of vascular smooth muscle allows blood vessels to expand and blood to flow freely. Healthy blood flow in the microvasculature facilitates the delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen to the peripheral nerves, which, in turn, allows them to perform normal functions.